Paul Thompson BSc Honours, MInstLM, Cognitive Behaviour Therapist at The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology an inspirational knowledgeable neurological scientific strategic business leader has gone onto as an Institute Of Leadership And Management Qualified Coach And Mentor to use the Clean Approaches for Coaches and clean language, after learning the methodology during his coaching journey that started as all journies start with one step.
Accelerated Learning allows trainers to deliver faster more effective training program, creating and implementing high-impact, low cost training programs in half the normal time which are a lot more better and fun, making use of the mind the most powerful tool, and the whole personality to enhance the learning experience visit the Accelerated Learning website.
Coaching and Mentoring Institute Of Leadership And Management registered qualifications:
Executive Accelerating Learning Coaching and Mentoring Level 7 ILM Endorsed
Executive Business Coaching and Mentoring Level 7 ILM Endorsed
Accelerating Learning Coaching and Mentoring Level 7 ILM Endorsed
Personal Performance Coaching and Mentoring Level 7 ILM Endorsed
Executive Sales Coaching and Mentoring Level 7 ILM Endorsed
Paul Thompson BSc Honours, MlnstLM Excutive Business Senior Master Coach is also an ILM endorsed specialist Neuro Diversity Job Coach, after completing Neuro Difference ILM Ehanced Performance Strategies For Neuro Differences professional Contiuous Professional Development training, and learnt about Neurological Differences and how weaknesses can become strengths by introducing coping mechanisms in the work place leaving only strengths that can be utilised by organisations and companies to their advantage allowing individuals to be the very best they can be.
Learnt in depth about Sigma 6 and the Sigma Business Curve and how to improve business performance using the principals of Sigma 6.
Studied in depth the Triune brain model an evolution of the vertebrate forebrain and behaviour. A Triune brain consists of three structures the reptilian complex, the paleomammalian complex, and the neomammalian complex, these are viewed as structures that were sequentially added to the forebrain in the course of evolution.
Finished further Communication Strategy Awareness training learning more about the open communication model Johari Window, which improves team communication as part of his Continuous Professional Development as a Coach and Data Quality Assurance Master. Learnt in depth about the Drama Triangle and how to avoid it or to take yourself of the Drama Triangle completely if you are a victim, rescuer or persecuter.
Depression and anxiety are both examples of Neuro Diversity that can be treated with Cognative Behavioural Therapy.
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is also known as emotionally unstable personality disorder, this is a long term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by unstable relationships with other people, as well as an unstable sense of self, and unstable emotions.
Whilst making the most of the Professional Continuous Personal Development in Neuro Differences work place performance improvement studied the following modules:
Time Management
Stress Management
Understanding Neuro Strengths
Workplace Literacy-advanced
Communicating Verbally and Understanding
Done Mental Health Awareness Professional Training and familiar with the Star Methodology used to make a psychological recovery or a recovery approach to mental disorder or substance dependence, it emphasizes and supports a person's potential for recovery.
Completed Specialist Mental Health Customer Service Professional Training to provide an exceptional customer service to individuals with a mental health problem to go that extra mile.
The Institute Of Leadership And Management is a professional organisation who create leaders and develops managers through qualifications, training and cutting edge research.
Finished advanced Stress Management Continuous Personal Development to increase knowledge of Stress Management to become a highly skilled Institute Of Leadership And Management Endorsed Neuro Diversity Job Coach. Also completed specialist Customer Service Safe Guarding and Care Line Continuous Professional Development. Recently completed a Mentoring skills Continuous Professional Development to update mentoring skills as a believer in life long learning.
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